Maps View

Topics in this section:

Viewing a map

The Mapping application provides a combination of location and compliance data, giving dispatchers the information they need to quickly and accurately locate fleet assets and make critical decisions.

To view the location, status, and availability of all drivers:

  1. Select Drivers from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Select (all) from the next drop-down list.
  3. Click the View button.

To view the breadcrumb trail (activity and movement) for a single driver:

  1. Select Drivers from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Select a driver's name from the next drop-down list.
  3. Select the date you wish to view.
    To change the date:
  4. Click the View button.

To view the last reported location and motion status for all vehicles:

  1. Select Vehicles from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Select (all) from the next drop-down list.
  3. Click the View button.

Using the map controls



Changing Map Views and Overlays:

Show Location Details:

Hide Location Details:

Address Search:

If multiple location matches are found, the best match will be selected automatically and the map will be centered on that location with a pin marking the address. Click on the pin to display the location returned by the mapping provider.

What information is displayed when viewing a map for all drivers?

This map shows the following information for all non-deleted drivers in the selected driver filter.

What icons are shown when viewing a map for all drivers?

Viewing a map for all drivers shows the current location and estimated availability for each driver. Therefore, various icons are shown to denote the current availability status of each driver.

Icons that may be shown on the map for all drivers:

What information is displayed when viewing a map for a single driver?

This map shows the breadcrumb trail for the selected driver on the selected date. Breadcrumbs are derived from duty status changes, driver vehicle inspection reports, and periodic vehicle location samples.

What icons are shown when viewing a map for a single driver?

What information is displayed when viewing a map for all vehicles?

The following information is shown for all non-deleted vehicles in the organization.

What icons are shown when viewing a map for all vehicles?

How do I find the last reported location of a driver or vehicle?

* Maps do not automatically refresh when a location update is received. Click the View button to redisplay the map including any new location data.

Why is N/A shown for some icons or table columns?

N/A indicates that an accurate value cannot be computed or displayed.

Possible reasons for N/A to be shown for a driver's availability include:

N/A will be shown for a driver's or vehicle's Last Update if the mobile logging device has not sent such information to the web server since the device was installed or the driver began using the device.

What is the meaning of the cluster icons sometimes displayed on the map?

Cluster icons are shown when multiple drivers (Driver Cluster) or vehicles (Several trucks) are in the same location; zooming in on the map may separate these clusters into individual icons, depending on the actual distance between the drivers or vehicles. Cluster icons may also be shown when viewing the breadcrumb trail for a single driver if multiple breadcrumb events (Driver action cluster) were recorded at the same place.

What is the meaning of the magnifying glass visible for some rows in the table?

If a row is preceded by a Find icon magnifying glass, the item in that row is associated with a GPS location that can be viewed on the map. Click the magnifying glass to center the map on the corresponding location and show location details.

* If there are many rows in the table, you may need to scroll up to see the location detail on the map.

What is a breadcrumb?

A breadcrumb is simply a point on the map. Breadcrumbs are used to show what events happened at what location. Various symbols are used throughout the map to denote the type of event that happened at each breadcrumb.