Frequently Asked Questions - Driver Filter

Driver Filter

What is the purpose of the Driver Filter?

The Driver Filter drop-down list appears in the upper right corner of the page. Its function is to control which drivers' records you can view at any given time.

The larger the organization, the more likely it is that multiple application users will attempt to display data for drivers at the same time. By permitting application users to display data for relatively small groups of drivers rather than all drivers at once, web server performance is improved and users are better able to find the information most relevant to them.

Driver Filters work in conjunction with page-specific filters and report parameters. If you select a particular group from the Driver Filter drop-down list and then select the (all) option from the Driver drop-down list in a report, information will be returned for all drivers in the selected group rather than all drivers in the organization.

What Driver Filter selections may be visible?

When and where are changes to my current Driver Filter selection applied?

When you change your current Driver Filter selection, the new selection is applied on your next page (re)load. Your selection will be remembered the next time you sign in to application, and will not change unless you change it or your Home Terminal Access is changed.

The Driver Filter is applied to any page that has a Driver drop-down list, controlling which drivers appear in the drop-down list and in the corresponding results list or table.