Home Terminals

Topics in this section:

* An application user must have a user role with View/Modify permission to the Admin feature to add, import, edit, delete, or restore a home terminal.

What home terminal information is displayed on this page?

What is a home terminal?

A driver's home terminal, or domicile, is the terminal from which the driver is dispatched and to which the driver returns with the most frequency. The home terminal is also the means by which a particular time zone is associated with a driver log.

Home terminals can be used to control what records a driver or non-driver user may access via the web application, and also to filter the records to be presented at one time.

Adding a home terminal*

To add a new home terminal to the organization:

  1. Click the new button button. This displays the Home Terminal Detail page.
  2. Enter a Home Terminal Name. This is the name that will appear in the Driver Filter drop-down list and on the driver log.
  3. Select a Time Zone from the drop-down list. This determines the time zone used for the daily logs for all drivers assigned to the home terminal.

    * If Daylight Saving Time is observed where the home terminal is located, make sure the Adjust for DST checkbox is checked.

  4. Enter the Starting Time of the home terminal
  5. Enter the street Address of the home terminal (including the City, State or Province, and ZIP or Postal Code).
  6. Optional: Enter the main Phone number for the home terminal.
  7. Click the Save button to save changes and return to the Home Terminals list page.

Points to remember when adding or importing home terminals:

Importing a list of home terminals*

The Import option allows an organization to enter multiple home terminals into the system at one time.

A valid home terminal import file will have 11 columns and one or more rows of data.

Columns must be in this specific order:

Column Name* Required/Optional Notes
Home Terminal Name Required Must be unique among other home terminals within your organization. Limited to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Address Line 1 Required The first line of the home terminal mailing address. Limited to 50 characters.
Address Line 2 Optional The second line of the home terminal mailing address. Limited to 50 characters.
Home Terminal City Required The city where the home terminal is located. Limited to 50 characters.
Home Terminal State/Province Required The two-letter US, Canada, or Mexico postal abbreviation for the state, province, or territory of the home terminal mailing address.
Home Terminal Country Required The two-letter country code of the home terminal mailing address (US, CA, MX).
Home Terminal ZIP/Postal Code Required The ZIP, ZIP+4, or postal code of the home terminal mailing address. Must be numeric ('99999'), numeric with hyphen ('99999-9999'), or alphanumeric ('A1B 2C3').
Home Terminal Phone Number Optional The main telephone number for the home terminal. Limited to 15 characters and can contain numbers, parentheses, hyphens, and spaces.
Time Zone Required Must be Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, Newfoundland or Hawaii-Aleutian.
Adjust for DST Required Must be Yes or No.
Starting Time Required The time when the log day starts, as specified for the home terminal.

Click to view a sample import file.

More information about importing files:

Editing a home terminal*

To edit the details of a home terminal already existing in the organization:

  1. Locate the row containing the home terminal you wish to edit.
  2. Click the home terminal name link. This displays the Home Terminal Detail page.
  3. Change the home terminal's details.
  4. Click the Save button to save changes and return to the Home Terminals list page.

Points to remember when editing a home terminal:

Deleting a home terminal*

Home terminals may be deleted from the Home Terminals list page (one or more home terminals at a time) or from the Home Terminal Detail page (one home terminal at a time).

To delete an individual home terminal from the Home Terminals list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Active filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row containing the active home terminal you wish to delete.
  3. Click the delete button to the right of the row.
  4. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to delete the selected home terminal.
  5. If confirmed, this deletes the selected home terminal.

To delete multiple home terminals from the Home Terminals list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Active filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row(s) containing the active home terminal(s) you wish to delete.
  3. Check the checkbox to the left of each row.
  4. Click the delete button above the list to delete the selected home terminal(s)
  5. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to delete the selected home terminal(s).
  6. If confirmed, this deletes the selected home terminal(s).

To delete a home terminal from the Home Terminal Detail page:

  1. Click on a home terminal name to display the detail page.
  2. After the Home Terminal Detail page is displayed, click the Delete button.

Points to remember when deleting a home terminal:

Restoring a deleted home terminal*

Home terminals may be restored from the Home Terminals list page (one or more home terminals at a time) or from the Home Terminal Detail page (one home terminal at a time).

To restore an individual home terminal from the Home Terminals list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Deleted filter is selected to show both deleted and active home terminals or show only deleted home terminals.
  2. Locate the row containing the deleted home terminal you wish to restore.
  3. Click the restore button to the right of the row.
  4. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to restore the selected home terminal.
  5. If confirmed, this restores the selected home terminal.

To restore multiple home terminals from the Home Terminals list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Deleted filter is selected to show both deleted and active home terminals or show only deleted home terminals.
  2. Locate the row(s) containing the deleted home terminal(s) you wish to restore.
  3. Check the checkbox to the left of each row.
  4. Click the restore button above the list.
  5. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to restore the selected home terminal(s).
  6. If confirmed, this restores the selected home terminal(s).

To restore a home terminal from the Home Terminal Detail page:

  1. Click on a home terminal name to display the detail page.
  2. After the Home Terminal Detail page is displayed, click the Restore button.

Using filters to search for home terminals

The total number of home terminals displayed in the table may be reduced through the use of one or more page-specific filters.
The filters are live updating. The displayed list will change as filters are selected.
Click the filter button to hide or show the page filters, or click the close button in the filter pane to hide the filters.
Click the refresh button to manually refresh the list.

The following page-specific filter options are provided:

Customizing the list display:

To configure which columns are displayed:
  1. Click the more button , then click Configure Columns.
  2. Click to deselect or select columns from the list shown. Click Reset to return the selection to the default settings.
  3. Click Save when finished. The page will update to display the new selections.
  4. Click Cancel to return to the list without saving any changes.
To change the order in which columns are displayed:
  1. Click the more button , then click Configure Columns.
  2. Click and drag the handle button to the right of each column to change the display order. Click Reset to return the selection to the default settings.
  3. Click Save when finished. The page will update to display the new selections.
  4. Click Cancel to return to the list without saving any changes.

Points to remember when using filters: