Violations Report

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What is the purpose of the Violations report?

The Violations Report is intended to aid supervisors and compliance personnel in determining whether a driver has violated any applicable hours of service rules. These rules are based on the driver's assigned rule set.

This report shows the length of time drivers operated in excess of any HOS limit for their assigned rule set(s). Carriers should review violations to determine whether available exception(s) may be applied or annotation(s) should be added to explain the occurrence. Some violations may subject both carriers and drivers to maximum civil penalties for each offense: for example, a Work Shift Driving violation of 3 hours or more for a driver operating in a US rule set.

To view violations for one or more drivers:

  1. Locate the driver in the Driver list by typing in their name or ID and clicking to select the appropriate driver, or select (All Drivers) to report on all drivers.
  2. Select the range of dates for which you wish to view any violations.
    To change a date:
  3. If country selection* has not been enabled for your organization, the report will be run using the driver's primary default rule set.
  4. If country selection* has been enabled for your organization, choose the rule set to use for calculations.
  5. If the enhanced ELD suite of features** and country selection* have been enabled for your organization, the following options will be available to use for calculations. The rule set tracking history (changes in rule set, operating zone, and/or cycle) for each driver will be used to calculate violations when available. Use the following selections to calculate violations for periods where tracking history is not available, such as for the time prior to enabling the enhanced ELD suite of features.
  6. Click the View Violations button.

* If country selection has not been enabled for your organization, each driver's configured primary rule set will be used. Country selection can be configured on the Organization Detail page.

** Have your administrator contact support to enable the enhanced ELD suite of features.

What information is contained in the report?

If the driver's time zone has changed, the Violations Report will be unable to calculate cycle duty violations for some period of time immediately following the time zone change. In this case, the Start and End columns will reflect the range of dates and times during which cycle duty violations cannot be computed.

* All dates and times in the Violations Report are based on the time zone of the driver log on which the violation began.

When is a violation reported?

A violation is reported if a driver operates a commercial motor vehicle in excess of the hours of service limits established for the driver's rule set. If a driver runs out of driving time but does not drive after time has expired, a violation generally will not be reported. Canada's Daily Off Duty rule (which establishes a minimum off duty requirement, rather than a maximum driving or duty limit) is the only rule for which a violation may be reported even though the driver has stopped driving.

Violations are calculated only for Driving (D) statuses for which the end time is known. This is to prevent false reports in the case that a driver has stopped driving, but the driver's next subsequent status change has not yet been communicated to the web server.

Why is N/A shown for some columns?

N/A indicates that an accurate value cannot be computed or displayed for a driver.

Possible reasons for N/A to be shown include:

If N/A appears for one or more columns for a particular driver, click on the icon in the Comments column on that row for more information.

Why is the same rule listed multiple times for the same driver?

If a driver broke the same rule multiple times within the range of dates selected for the report, each instance may be reported as a separate violation.

For example, if a driver exceeded his Work Shift Driving limit two days in a row, but took enough consecutive hours off duty between the two days to start a new work shift, two separate Work Shift Driving violations will be reported, one for each day. If, however, the driver did not take enough hours off duty to start a new work shift, the driving on day two will be added to the Work Shift Driving violation reported on day one, lengthening the Time Driving in Violation for the existing violation.