Driver Detail
Topics in this section:
* An application user must have a user role with View/Modify permission to the Resources feature to add or edit a driver.
Driver ID - Identifies the driver and is used by the driver to sign in and out of the application
Driver IDs must:
- Be unique from all other User IDs and Driver IDs within the organization.
- Be between 4 and 20 characters.
- Have no leading or trailing spaces.
- Be comprised of alphanumeric characters.
Contain no special characters except an en-dash (-), underscore (_),
an at symbol (@), a comma (,), or a period (.).
Not contain either the driver's driver license number or social security number.
First Name - The first name of the driver
- First Names must be at least 2 characters and are limited to 30 characters.
- They can contain letters, numbers, periods, apostrophes, hyphens, and spaces.
- There is no uniqueness requirement for First Names.
Middle Initial - The middle initial of the driver if supplied
- Middle Initial is limited to one character and can only contain letters.
Last Name - The last name of the driver
- Last Names must be at least 2 characters and are limited to 30 characters.
- They can contain letters, numbers, periods, apostrophes, hyphens, and spaces.
- There is no uniqueness requirement for Last Names.
Carrier - The motor carrier to which the driver reports for duty
Home Terminal - The home terminal to which the driver reports for duty
Primary Rule Set - Determines the primary HOS rules to be applied when calculating
availability and violations
If the HOS application is enabled for your organization, select ELD EXEMPT if the
driver operates a commercial vehicle but is never subject to hours of service regulations.
Then select the rule set that reflects the type
of ELD EXEMPT situation under which the driver will operate.
If the Rule Set selected has either the CDL or Non-CDL Short-Haul exception enabled,
select CDL Short-Haul or Non-CDL Short-Haul in the
Auto-Apply Exception list to automatically apply the exception each time this
driver logs into a mobile device.
If the driver is subject to HOS regulations, select US if the driver is
domiciled in the United States or Canada if the driver is domiciled in Canada.
Then select the rule set(s) from the list
below that reflect the type of commercial motor vehicle driven and cargo to be
transported (for US rule sets) or region and cycle in which the driver will operate (Canada).
If the driver operates in both US and Canada, select the appropriate rule
set(s) from the selection for each country.
Otherwise, select the appropriate rule set(s) from the list for the appropriate country.
To assist application users in selecting the correct rule set, the limits for applicable
HOS rules are displayed for each rule set that is selected.
Allow Authorized Personal Use of CMV (PC) on ELD -
If checked, the driver will have the option to select this condition while Off Duty and using a vehicle
for personal travel to and from the driver's home or en-route lodgings without triggering driving periods.
Allow Yard Moves (YM) on ELD - If checked, the driver will
have the option to select this condition while On Duty, to allow the vehicle to be moved around the carrier's
or terminal's yard without triggering driving periods.
Driver License State (US) / Driver License Jurisdiction (Canada) - The issuing state or jurisdiction
of the driver's driver license.
Driver License Number - The driver's driver license number. Only the last 4 digits are visible to
non-driver users, e.g. "********YY27".
- Driver License information is required by ELD rules.
An error will be displayed if the Driver License information that is entered already exists for
another driver in the same organization. This includes deleted drivers.
Only alphanumeric characters may be entered (leave out punctuation marks and special characters,
such as "-" or "*"). License numbers that include special characters will need to be entered with
those characters excluded.
To update the Driver License Number, type it into the entry field, and Save the driver.
When adding a new driver, at least one US or Canada rule set must be assigned for the driver and set as default before the new
entry can be saved. Once the enhanced ELD suite of functionality has been enabled for your organization, up to 6 rule sets
total can be assigned to a driver. Adding or changing a driver's rule set may affect availability calculations, including the
calculation of the driver's historical violations.
Show Requirements - Show or hide the HOS limit details for each rule set
Assigned - Toggle to assign or unassign the rule set to the driver. Up to 6 rule sets can be assigned total,
including both US and Canadian rules.
Default - Select to indicate which rule set will be used by default when running availability and violations reports. You may
select only one default for US and/or Canada.
Rule Set - Determines the HOS rules to be applied when calculating availability and violations
Auto-Apply Exception - Only available to certain US rule sets and is defaulted to None. When enabled, the ELD will
automatically apply the selected exception to the driver's logs when they sign into an ELD.
Points to remember when adding a driver:
The Driver ID must be unique. No two drivers or users in an organization may share the same ID,
even if they are assigned to different home terminals.
Uniqueness checking is case insensitive and includes both deleted and non-deleted records.
Upon saving a new driver, a default password will be assigned automatically.
The password will be the first four letters of the driver's last name
(or the complete last name if it is four letters or fewer) combined with the last
four digits of the driver's CDL number (or the complete number if it is four digits or fewer).
For example, Driver John Smith, with CDL # CDL1234567 would have a default password of "SMIT4567" (without quotes).
* Note also that all letters will be UPPERCASE in the default password.
You must add motor carriers before adding or importing drivers
because all drivers must be assigned to an existing carrier.
If all drivers in your organization report to the same motor carrier,
you can create a single carrier to which all drivers will be assigned.
You must add or import home terminals before adding or importing drivers
because all drivers must be assigned to an existing home terminal.
If all drivers in your organization are based in a single location,
you can create a single home terminal to which all drivers will be assigned.
You must select a default rule set for each country when enabling rule sets. If the driver is only
assigned one rule set, that must be selected as the default.
Points to remember when editing a driver:
The Driver ID cannot be edited once the driver has one or more log events.
The driver's primary default rule set is used for availability calculations. If the organization has
Border Crossing Support enabled, you can
run select reports on either the driver's default US or Canada rule set.
You can edit the driver to have up to 6 rule sets between the US and Canada.
Take care to not remove a rule set actively in use by the driver, or first contact the driver and
have them change to the appropriate rule set. You will be warned if the driver's log has not been updated
in at least 30 minutes that changing their rule set selection may impact their active rule set on
the device.
The driver's operating zone, cycle, and rule set changes on the device will be used to calculate
violations for the duration in which they were active after the enhanced ELD suite of functionality has
been enabled for the organization. The driver's primary default rule set will be used to calculate
violations for the range prior to the organization enabling enhanced ELD features. If the organization has Border
Crossing Support enabled, you can run the Violations Report on either the driver's default US or Canada
rule set for this range.
Points to remember when deleting a driver:
A driver can never delete his or her own driver profile.
Deleting a driver will prevent them from signing in to either the host driver portal or a mobile device.
Deleting a driver will hide them from appearing on the organization's reports, but will not remove their
profile from the system. They can be restored at a later point if they return to work for the carrier.
Click the Change Password... button located at the bottom of the Driver Details
page to be taken to the Change Password page.
Enter the desired password in the New Password field and in the
Confirm Password field.
Click Save in the top right corner to save the driver's new password.
- This will return you to the Driver Details page.
- Click Save, located in the top right corner.
If they know their current password, drivers can also change their own password by signing in
to the host driver portal. Go to User Preferences under the Settings menu and click
Change My Password. Enter your original password, enter the desired new password, confirm the
new password, and click Save.