Driver Detail

Topics in this section:

* An application user must have a user role with View/Modify permission to the Resources feature to add or edit a driver.

What information is displayed for a driver?

How are rule sets assigned?

When adding a new driver, at least one US or Canada rule set must be assigned for the driver and set as default before the new entry can be saved. Once the enhanced ELD suite of functionality has been enabled for your organization, up to 6 rule sets total can be assigned to a driver. Adding or changing a driver's rule set may affect availability calculations, including the calculation of the driver's historical violations.

Points to remember when adding, editing or deleting a driver

Points to remember when adding a driver:

Points to remember when editing a driver:

Points to remember when deleting a driver:

How do I change a driver's password?

  1. Click the Change Password... button located at the bottom of the Driver Details page to be taken to the Change Password page.
  2. Enter the desired password in the New Password field and in the Confirm Password field.
  3. Click Save in the top right corner to save the driver's new password.
  4. This will return you to the Driver Details page.
  5. Click Save, located in the top right corner.

If they know their current password, drivers can also change their own password by signing in to the host driver portal. Go to User Preferences under the Settings menu and click Change My Password. Enter your original password, enter the desired new password, confirm the new password, and click Save.