The Hours and Miles Report is intended to help determine the approximate time worked and distance driven for each log day in a given date range. This information may be used to reconcile a driver's record of duty status with the driver's time sheet or other payroll records.
For example, if Driver A's driver logs are in Eastern time, Driver A's hours and distance will be based on his record of duty status from 12:00 AM Eastern through 11:59 PM Eastern, even if the viewer's user preference is for a different time zone. Likewise, if Driver B's driver logs are in Central time, Driver B's hours and distance will be based on his record of duty status from 12:00 AM Central through 11:59 PM Central, even if drivers with logs in other time zones (Driver A, for example) are also included in the report.
Click on the date to display the Driver Logs page for the corresponding driver and date.
This value includes time recorded as either On Duty (ON) or Driving (D). If a driver does not have at least one ON or D status recorded for a date, Hours Worked for that day will be 00:00.
If multiple drivers are included in the report, a Sub Total of hours and minutes worked will be shown for each driver, as well as a Grand Total of hours and minutes worked for all drivers.
This value includes distance traveled during Driving (D) statuses for which a valid start odometer and end odometer are both available. An "open" Driving status (one that has not ended) will count toward Hours Worked but not toward Distance Driven.
Distance traveled while in Personal Conveyance (PC) or Yard Moves (YM) status is not counted towards the Distance Driven, because these are not Driving statuses.
If multiple drivers are included in the report, a Sub Total of distance driven will be shown for each driver, as well as a Grand Total of distance driven for all drivers.
N/A indicates that an accurate value cannot be computed or displayed for a driver due to conflicts.
If N/A appears for a particular driver and date, click on the date to open the Drivers Log page for that driver on that date to check for any conflicts on that driver's log.
If red text is used for sub total or grand total values, this indicates that the total time worked and distance driven may not be accurate, due to one or more unresolved conflicts. Look for drivers and dates for which N/A appears, and then click on the date to check for any conflicts on those drivers' logs.
TZ stands for time zone. If TZ appears next to the date for a particular driver, this indicates that the time zone of the corresponding driver log is different than the time zone of the driver log for the previous date.
If TZ appears for a particular driver and date, click on the date and inspect the driver's logs carefully, checking for duty statuses that appear in the table but not in the graph grid.