
Topics in this section:

* An application user must have a user role with View/Modify permission to the Devices feature to unprovision, add, import, edit, delete, or restore a device.

What information is displayed for a device?

How does the provisioning process work?

Provisioning is the process by which a particular mobile logging device is registered for the organization and permitted to exchange vehicle-specific information with the web server. The process is initiated when the device is installed in a vehicle. The user installing the device enters the CMV Power Unit Number, Device ID, Organization ID, and Provision Key, which are then communicated wirelessly to the web server.

If the server accepts these credentials, the Device ID and CMV Power Unit Number are added to the system (if they do not already exist) and an association is made between them. A success response is returned to the device, and the device status is changed to Provisioned.

If the server rejects these credentials, a failure response is returned to the device and the status remains unchanged.

Organizations may optionally add or import Device IDs and CMV Power Unit Numbers into the system prior to device installation. This allows the organization to view and manage these resources even before devices are installed.

What does the Unprovision button do?

Clicking the Unprovision button removes the association between a Device ID and a mobile logging device.The most common reason for unprovisioning would be to resolve communication problems caused by two devices attempting to communicate using the same Device ID. Unprovisioning allows the next device that attempts to communicate with the conflicting Device ID to claim that Device ID as its own.

Deleting a device*

Devices may be deleted from the Devices list page (one or more devices at a time) or from the Device Detail page (one device at a time). WARNING: Only delete device(s) that are not in use. Deleting a device will prevent any further communication between the device and web application.

To delete an individual device from the Devices list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Active filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row containing the active device you wish to delete.
  3. Click the delete button to the right of the row.
  4. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to delete the selected device.
  5. If confirmed, this deletes the selected device. The device will no longer be able to transmit any data to the web application.

To delete multiple devices from the Devices list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Active filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row(s) containing the device(s) you wish to delete.
  3. Check the checkbox to the left of each row.
  4. Click the delete button above the list to delete the selected device(s).
  5. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to delete the selected device(s).
  6. If confirmed, this deletes the selected device(s). The device(s) will no longer be able to transmit any data to the web application.

* To select multiple devices to delete at once, check the checkbox in the heading row of the table. This will select all the checkboxes that are visible on the current page.

To delete a device from the Device Detail page:

  1. Click on the Device ID link to display the detail page.
  2. After the Device Detail page is displayed, click the Delete button.

Points to remember when deleting a device:

Restoring a deleted device*

Devices may be restored from the Devices list page (one or more devices at a time) or from the Device Detail page (one device at a time).

To restore an individual device from the Devices list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Deleted filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row containing the deleted device you wish to restore.
  3. Click the restore button to the right of the row.
  4. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to restore the selected device.
  5. If confirmed, this restores the selected device. The device can resume communication and transmit any locally-stored data to the web application.

To restore multiple devices from the Devices list:

  1. Make sure the Show All or Show Deleted filter is selected.
  2. Locate the row(s) containing the deleted device(s) you wish to restore.
  3. Check the checkbox to the left of each row.
  4. Click the restore button above the list.
  5. A pop-up will display asking for confirmation to restore the selected device(s).
  6. If confirmed, this restores the selected device(s). The device(s) can resume communication and transmit any locally-stored data to the web application.

* To select multiple devices to restore at once, check the checkbox in the heading row of the table. This will select all the checkboxes that are visible on the current page.

To restore a device from the Device Detail page:

  1. Click on the Device ID link to display the detail page.
  2. After the Device Detail page is displayed, click the Restore button.

Using filters to search for devices

The total number of devices displayed in the table may be reduced through one or more page-specific filters.
The filters are live updating. The displayed list will change as filters are selected.
Click the filter button to hide or show the page filters, or click the close button in the filter pane to hide the filters.
Click the refresh button to manually refresh the list.

The following page-specific filter options are provided:

Customizing the list display

To configure which columns are displayed:
  1. Click the more button , then click Configure Columns.
  2. Click to deselect or select columns from the list shown. Click Reset to return the selection to the default settings.
  3. Click Save when finished. The page will update to display the new selections.
  4. Click Cancel to return to the list without saving any changes.
To change the order in which columns are displayed:
  1. Click the more button , then click Configure Columns.
  2. Click and drag the handle button to the right of each column to change the display order. Click Reset to return the selection to the default settings.
  3. Click Save when finished. The page will update to display the new selections.
  4. Click Cancel to return to the list without saving any changes.