Log Edit Report

Topics in this section:

What is the purpose of the Log Edit Report?

The Log Edit Report is intended to provide drivers, organizations and authorized federal, state, and local officials with detailed information concerning changes made to a driver's record of duty status (aka driver log).

The report can be used to view:

As a Logged In Driver:

To view the report for a particular log date or date range:

  1. Select the range of Dates for which you wish to view edits.
    To change a date:
  2. Select Log Date.
  3. Specify an Edits filter.
  4. Select the View button to display the results.

As an Administrator or User with specific Access Permissions:

To view the report for a particular log date or date range:

  1. Select a driver's name, a set of driver names, or (all) from the Driver drop-down list.
  2. Select the range of Dates for which you wish to view edits.
    To change a date:
  3. Select Log Date.
  4. Specify an Edits filter.
  5. Select the applicable Edit Status values.
  6. Select the View button to display the results.

What information is displayed in the Log Edit Report?

Using Filters and Sorting to refine report data

There are a number of ways to filter and sort the data contained in the Log Edit Report. The functions available are dependent on the permissions granted to the user who is generating the report. In general, drivers have access to their own log data only, while administrators or users granted access permissions can see log data for any or all drivers within a given organization.

Filter options available to a Driver:

Drivers can filter the events in their Log Edit Report by: a date, a span of dates, the date the log event was added to the log, the date the log event was edited, who made the edits to the log and by the Edit Status value(s).

The Dates filter can be applied to search for:
  1. Log events that occurred on a specific day (by default, the date fields are set to the current day - the "from" and "to" dates are the same).
  2. Log events that occur over a range of dates, which can be selected by:
  3. The selected dates can be used to return either the log entries that were created on those dates:
  4. Or, the log entries that were edited on those dates:
The Edits filter can be applied to search for: The Edit Status filter can be applied to search for edits with a particular status:

When the filters are set, select the View button to display the results.

Filter options available to a Systems Administrator or User with access permissions:

Users with extended access permissions can obtain ELD Log Edit information for one, several, or all drivers within a given organization. Therefore, they have advanced filtering capabilities available to them.

The Driver Filter:

    The top level filter for the Log Edit Report is the Driver Filter which allows for filtering drivers by Home Terminal or Driver Groups.

    NOTE: Changes made to the Driver Filter value will reset all other filters set on the page.

The Driver Filter:
    The Driver filter can be used to search for and select one, multiple, or all drivers assigned to a given organization. Driver names or parts thereof can be entered and names selected from the drop-down listing as needed.
The Dates filter can be applied to search for:
  1. Log events that occurred on a specific day (by default, the date fields are set to the current day - the "from" and "to" dates are the same).
  2. Log events that occur over a range of dates, which can be selected by:
  3. The selected dates can be used to return either the log entries that were created on those dates:
  4. Or, the log entries that were edited on those dates:
The Edits filter can be applied to search for:
  1. Edits made by:
  2. Edits made by an Administrator or User with access permissions.
  3. All log edits.
The Edit Status filter can be applied to search for:
    Edits that have a particular status or combinations of status values:

    Select the checkbox(s) for those Edit Status values you are interested in (any combination is acceptable).

When the filters are set, select the View button to display the results.

Sorting options(available to all report users):

Once the Log Edit Report has been generated by selecting the View button, the data it contains can be sorted and/or resorted as needed.

    The report contents can be sorted by selecting any of the column headers that are underlined. The columns available for sorting are: