Inspection Reports

Topics in this section:

* An application user must have a user role with View/Modify permission to the DVIR Reports feature to add or edit a report.

Viewing the reports

The Inspection Reports page allows authorized users to view summary information about driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIRs), select a report to view in detail, add a new report, or select one or more reports for editing or printing. Users can filter DVIRs by status, vehicle or trailer ID, location, and time.

To view a list of reports:

  1. Apply filters to return all DVIRs matching your specified criteria.
    Enter a DVIR Number in the box to return the specified report.
  2. Click the View button.

How do I apply filters to this report?

Report Details:

Asset Details:

Defect Details:

Select the checkboxes to indicate what DVIRs should be shown based on the type of defects reported.

* At least one checkbox must be checked or the search will not return any records.

Location Details:

Repair Details:

Select all the checkboxes to indicate what DVIRs should be shown based on the type of repairs reported.

* At least one checkbox must be checked or the search will not return any records.

Points to remember when using filters:

What information is displayed in the table?

Printing the reports

To print one or more inspection reports:

  1. Use the steps above from Viewing the reports to display the inspection reports table with the DVIRs you want to print.
  2. Select the checkboxes in the table next to the DVIRs you want to print.
  3. Click the Print Selected button.

This will create a printer-friendly PDF file of all selected DVIRs. Choose whether to Open or Save the file.

Exporting spotted lanternfly data

To export data for reported spotted lanternfly or egg mass sightings:

  1. Use the steps above from Viewing the reports to select the date range and vehicle(s) to export.
  2. Click the Export Lanternfly Data button.

This will create a .csv file with the data. Choose whether to Open or Save the file.

Note: A file will only be generated if drivers have reported lanternfly sightings.

Adding a report*

To create a new inspection report:

  1. Click the New button.
  2. Enter the details for the DVIR. Review all details carefully before saving.
  3. Click the Save button to create the DVIR and return to the Inspection Reports page.

Editing a report*

To edit a new report from the Inspection Reports page:

  1. Follow the steps for viewing the reports.
  2. Click the DVIR Number to display the report details.
  3. Add missing information or notes to the DVIR.
  4. Click the Save button to update the DVIR and return to the Inspection Reports page.

Points to remember while editing a report:

What is the DVIR Number?

DVIR Numbers are unique for each organization, and are assigned by the web application in the order that the DVIRs are received by the web application.

In some situations, the Draft Report icon may be present in the DVIR Number column. This indicates that the report is a draft (created during the driver's work shift) and it has not been submitted yet.

How are Assets used in this report?

The Asset Type drop-down box contains all Asset Types configured for the organization. However, the mobile application supports only Trailer and Vehicle inspections.

The Inspection Checklist page allows the user to define checklists for other Asset Types to use with third party maintenance applications or by manually adding reports via the Inspection Report page.